Sure, you've got the freedom to do what you want when you want, or so you think, but running a
successful work from home business requires dedication, enthusiasm, lots of hard work and above all, plenty of self motivation.
After all, there's nobody but you looking over your shoulder and urging you to complete your tasks, so how do you maintain a level of self-motivation that will see you achieve the goals you want?
Here are 5 self motivation tips:
1.Decide On Your Goals And Write Them Down
To get motivated, you need to know what you're aiming to achieve, so plan short, medium and long term goals. The goals you choose need to be realistic and achievable. There's no point in setting the goal-posts so high they're out of reach - you're doomed to fail, and failure is not very motivating!
Write your goals down and place them in a spot where they're clearly visible and remember to re-visit them as often as possible.Tell somebody else about your goals and dreams. Verbalizing and visualizing your goals makes them feel real.
2. Don't Let Your Feelings Get In The Way
We don't always wake up every morning with the exuberance we would like, particularly when there's no time-card to be punched. People with work from home businesses require a level of self motivation that those in the regular work force can't even begin to imagine.

Feelings are only that - feelings. They DON'T run your life! Remember the old song "Some Days Are Diamonds, Some Days Are Stone?" Life is a bit like that; some days you'll wish you never got out of bed, others you'll power through your day.
When the only person you have to answer to is yourself, make sure the messages you're hearing are the right ones. Hitting the Snooze button is not going to make you or your home based business a success, so no matter how you feel, get up and do it anyway! Even really bad morning people find their motivation levels rise once they get started, regardless of how they felt earlier in the day.
3. Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination kills self motivation, but procrastination can be overcome with a well-structured daily schedule. People with work from home businesses, particularly Internet business

Don't allow yourself to become overwhelmed with the number of things you have to do. The answer is to complete each task before moving on to the next one. Procrastination can leave you feeling frustrated at never having achieved anything, so when you complete each task you set yourself, reward yourself for your achievements.
4. Reward Yourself
Work from home businesses don't have somebody in the corner office to give you that bonus you worked so hard for, or a day off in lieu, so you need to be able to reward yourself for your efforts. Your self motivati

Reward yourself with a night off and watch the latest release DVD, or go to the park with the kids. If you've had a financial gain, play a round of golf or have your hair done - it will make you feel great. Here's a self-motivation suggestion from a friend who works for himself: "I like to write down my to-do list and award myself a large red tick
as I complete each item. It may sound silly, but those big red ticks help give me a feeling of achievement."
5. Have Fun!
Home based businesses can be incredibly hard work, so a sense of humor is a key ingredient in your success recipe. Try not to take yourself or your business too seriously. Learning to enjoy yourself while you work your home based business keeps you enthusiastic and motivated, and staying enthusiastic and motivated helps you keep your stress levels under control.
Self motivation is its own reward and a jewel in the cap of your new-found freedom in successfully operating your very own work from home business.
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